Meet Your Muse
with Jenn Lederer
0:00 - 11:15 - Jenn shares thoughts on the Muse and why this meditation cultivates a more empowering relationship to the Muse
11:15 - 25:25 - Muse Meditation
25:35 - 26:10 - Journaling Prompt
26:10 - Closing thoughts from Jenn
Get ready to Meet Your Muse!
Whether this is your first time or fiftieth here, remember the answers you’re searching for already exist within you. And your Muse can guide you towards every single one of them once the trust, the relationship, and the communication are (re)built.
Your Muse is intuition, in motion.
Invite your Muse in, create space for your Muse to dance, to express, to explore, and to reveal itself to you every single day.
Your Muse might show up differently each time, mine is certainly a shape-shifter ;) There’s no “right” way to meet your Muse.
All you’ve gotta do is show up, create the space, and listen.
This meditation is how you BEGIN curating a new understanding of your Muse. The collaboration comes later.